
Ramblers Church Photo




The foundation stones for the Chapel were laid on 4th July 1925 and the names of those who laid the stones were:

Mrs Whitehead Senior
Frank Fletcher
G P Holford Esq
F Gerald Simpson (in memory of his parents)
The Senior Class Girls

We often wonder if anyone in the village remembers these people and could fill in some of the history for us?  We are currently collecting as much information about the chapel’s past as possible so if you have any information about our past we would be very pleased to hear it.  A major refurbishment of the premises took place with funds from the sale of the caretaker’s house at the back of the Church some years ago.  The remaining money from that sale is held in trust for us by the Methodist Church Property Committee in Manchester and these funds have been used recently to pay of our new kitchen, the painting of the Hall and our on-going roof repairs.  In even more recent times we have used our financial resources, with the aid of grants and fundraising, to completely renew the roof of the church and to modify the sanctuary to make its use more versatile.

You will often see Collingham Methodist Church (The Ramblers’ Church) on our notices.  We think that the church became known as the Ramblers’ Church because it often hosted groups who came on walking holidays to the area and were looking for somewhere to worship on Sunday morning and came to the Chapel.  People used to walk here from Leeds to attend worship and the service was held at 11.00am to accommodate them and give them extra time for their journey.